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The Benefits of a Garden Office

A garden office gives you a dedicated space to work which will help you to achieve the perfect work-life balance. The physical separation from the house will allow you to clock off at the end of the working day and leave your stresses behind, leaving time at home to spend with family or to relax and recharge. It will also give you a clearer sense of where your work stops and your home life begins which is often difficult to find when working from the house.At this :

How much does a garden office cost in London?

By having your own office you will have the freedom to curate a workspace that suits you perfectly. This means the temperature, the decor, the equipment you have, what desk and chair suit you best, even if you like to listen to music (you can curate your own garden room playlist). This personalisation will lead to more focus on work and a better quality of work.

Another advantage is the lack of distractions from family or pets as the office will be separate to your house. This will allow you to concentrate and work without interruptions, especially if you have ill children at home who need nursing.

If you want to use your garden office for other purposes than just as an office it is worth letting the builder know this so that plumbing can be added into the building, it’s much cheaper to add it when the build is underway than to do so at a later date. This will also make it easier to convert your garden office into a shower room, bathroom or granny annexe in the future.